1. Describe the overall composition of your artwork (balance, unity, rhythm and movement).
2. How did you add texture and contrast to your print? Is this important? Why?
To add texture and and contrast is important because if we dont add the contrast the picture will be not good .I choosed blue on green because the combination looks unique.
3. Explain how you used positive and negative space to show your image.
I cutted the dark part because than only the feature of animal wil be visible.
4. Describe the craftsmanship of your print. (How good the project is technically crafted)
The prjoect was technically crafted godd.It was properly done as i planned to do it.
5. Were you able to achieve depth by showing a foreground, middle ground and back- ground? Explain.
I think i was not able to saw background properly .
6. Explain your experience with Printmaking. What were the obstacles and advantages?